Use "Black Line Drawing" for originals containing black and white line art. 原稿包含黑白线条时,请使用黑色线条。
I do not understand. What make a straight blue line art? 我不明白。一条监色直线算什么艺术呀?
The JPEG method is more often used for photographs, while the GIF method is commonly used for line art and other images in which geometric shapes are relatively simple. JPEG方法更常用于照片,而通常的GIF方法多使用在几何形状相对简单的线条艺术和其他图像。
For line art, it is indeed appropriate to scan to match the dpi resolution of your printer ( I said line art, I intentionally excluded Colour and Grayscale). 线艺术这是很适当的扫描,以配合分辨率印表(我说艺术系,我故意把颜色和灰度)。
We are now set to create the line art. 我们将要开始设置艺术线条了。
Third, the effect that technology and tool of production have upon the production of line art. 技术与生产工具对线的艺术产生的作用。
Second, the necessary production of line art of which the purpose is to simulate the contour of the object; 以复制轮廓对象为目的的线的艺术产生的必然性。
This step is the line art in AI completed in, because in AI inside diagram is vector, my this painting long spent long, PA operating in slower, and will affect the final product quality; 这一步的线稿是在AI里完成的,因为在AI里面的图是矢量的,我的这幅作品长度过长,PA中运作会很慢,而且会影响最终作品的质量;
The first line of ART costs about$ 300 a year per patient in Burkina Faso. 第一道抗逆转病毒药物疗法的费用大约为每人每年300美元。
Others are small, detailed pieces of line art bearing various national flags. 而另外的图片文件则是一些细碎的线条艺术,图片里面显示的就是许多不同的国旗。
If it appears like the lips are "jumping" then you will require to adjust the line art. 如果嘴唇看起来像是在“跳跃”,那么你应该调整艺术线条。
A Study of the Oriental Appeal of the Line Art in Chinese Traditional Figure Paintings 从中国古代人物画浅析线条艺术的东方意蕴
Models can have line art logos combined together in order to create distinctive images. 模型可以有艺术线条结合在一起,以创造独特的图像标识。
I use the line art as guide lines, so it's not necessary, to my opinion, to have the cleaner sketch in the world. 我将那些艺术线条当作指导,所以对于我的而言清洁工补充在这个世界里并不是必要的。
I've waited to put my previous research until I have done with this line art. 当我已经完成这个艺术线条时,我将把我以前的研究公布。
Today, the demarcation line between art and design become more and more blurred. 当今,艺术与设计的界限正在逐渐模糊。
A determination to blur the line between art and reality. 使艺术与现实之间的界限模糊不清的决心。
The Line Art of Drawing 论绘画中的线艺术
There are related literature on cognitive style, related literature on children's painting and related literature on line of art in the second part. 此外,还有关于儿童绘画类型、关于儿童绘画与认知风格的研究。
Introspection on network by on-line art 在线艺术对网络的反思
"Green flower" art takes the line as the basic painting art which embodies Chinese beauty of appreciation, and that the elegant appearance of tradition "green flower" porcelain and ceramics and the water-painting line art are made up the soul of the painting. 青花艺术同样是以线构为基础的绘画艺术,体现了中华民族独特审美情愫,显露传统历史青花陶瓷的风采与中国水墨画线性艺术构成绘画的灵魂。
Mathematical models of line art 关于计算机线画艺术数学模型的探讨
Through the interview method, and the education of a line of art teacher interview, analysis of the foundation education they hold in the role of art teacher status and positioning. 通过访谈的方法,与教育一线的美术教师进行访谈,分析他们对的基础教育中美术教师的角色定位的理解。
Chinese painting and art is line art. 中国绘画的艺术就是线的艺术。
And the general art characteristics of the line art of Jingdezhen folk blue and white in Ming Dynasty are summarized in the last chapter. 本论文分别对这些因素进行了深入分析,最后对明代民窑青花线条的总体艺术特征进行概括总结。
As the constitute elements of drawing and painting, water-ink element could inosculate poster design. And they could learn from each other, because there is no clear dividing line for art. 水墨元素作为实用图形元素和绘画的构成要素可以与招贴设计融合并用,相互借鉴并不断推陈出新,因为艺术是没有明确界限的。
In the foundation teaching, line art creation form it is often seen. 在基础教学中,线条艺术的创作形式屡见不鲜。
Line art of Chinese painting can be the perfect shape to express the surface, enough to support the soul of traditional Chinese paintings. 中国画的线描艺术能够完美地表形达意,足以支撑起中国画的灵魂。